Intensive Livestock Projects
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RIRDC Chicken EMS   back to Poultry projects


The Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation wished to develop an Environmental Management Information Package to enhance the environmental sustainability of the chicken meat industry and enable producers to comply with relevant environmental regulations.

FSA consulting was contracted to supply an Environmental Management Information Package with state of the art information and tools for producers and to provide the industry with a framework for continual environmental improvement.

The project objectives were to:

  • Review all existing Codes of Practice and Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) relevant to Australian meat chicken farms.
  • Develop an environmental management system (EMS) for the Australian meat chicken industry.
  • Develop and assess strategies for implementation of this EMS.
  • Develop and made recommendations with respect to how this EMS can be integrated into whole-farm QA systems
  • Develop and made recommendations with respect to the training required to support the implementation of this system and possible strategies for training delivery.

Based on consultation with industry representatives the developed National EMS comprised:

  • A Manual of Good Environmental Practice
  • An example Environmental Management Plan and Explanatory Notes
  • A Generic Environmental Management Plan
  • An Environmental Risk Assessment Workbook so individuals can self assess their individual enterprises and identify any environmental improvement or monitoring that is required.
  • Management tools upon which farmers can base their own farm-specific plans, including Meat Chicken Environmental Technical Notes, Mass Balance Excel Spreadsheet for Meat Chicken Farms, Example Environmental Management Plans and Generic Environmental Management Plan.
  • Recommendations for training industry participants in environmental awareness and environmental management.



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